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That's how it all started

In spring 2012, after looking through hundreds of advertisements and looking at properties all over Sweden, we bought the plot in Munkedal.

It was clear from the start that there would be a log cabin here. In the spring of 2013 we started demolition and built the foundation including a new sewage treatment plant and a new well. In the winter of 2014, the log cabin was set up in the Black Forest in Germany, dismantled again and transported to Munkedal. Rebuilt there, made the roof and installed the windows and doors. In 2016, the entire interior work was done and the new house was moved into.


An old dream comes true: the log cabin by the lake

Our new guest house is being built!

Construction started in February 2020:
The dilapidated house was demolished in no time at all by the excavator artist Jonas.

Parts of the rock were blown up and the foundation laid.

In June the new wooden house was built on it.

In summer 2021 the house was finished and successfully tested by the first guests:
It works!

demolish, blow up, build

everything is hand made

In summer 2019 Gamelle, Ivan, Bubu and Dani built this  «Budeli».
All of Dani's Makita machines will find their place there!

Katrin's Adirondak chairs and much more have already been created in the "Budeli".

Permaculture hill beds allow for growth without daily watering!
Everything for the beds was found in the immediate vicinity. Katrin has worked countless hours on it. If we had already had the excavator back then, it would have been a lot easier!


Old becomes new

Mia and Katrin paint their hair in original Swedish red.
mias  Aperitif ship is called «Zapzarap». The namesake was the salvage operation of the stranded wooden ship in the summer of 2018.

Venison and elk are processed

Dani hunts with Swedish friends in the area.
With the energetic support of Dani's 88-year-old Finnish mother, moose became sausage.

A deer hung out with us first. Processing the whole animal took some effort at first.
Ultimately, however, this is a prerequisite for meat consumption.

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